Thursday, February 21, 2013

Speed bumps...

The speed bumps of life.

They can come out of nowhere and lurch you tremendously - if you're not careful...

Sometimes we see them coming as a bump, rising in front of us as we go down the path of life. We can prepare - slow down - take action - skirt around it. Even if we hit it, we can deal with the damage because we've prepared - at least a little.

The surprise speed bumps are the hardest, because they hit without warning: *BAM!* Then we have to regroup and recover, and the damage can be pretty extensive, both inside and out.

Even the speed bumps of life that we see coming affect us, and can affect us significantly IF we don't handle them well. Remember - they happen. We all hit them. All of us. So...

Here are 3 steps to consider moving through before you have time to build up emotions that can lead to negative consequences:
#1 STOP. You've hit a speed bump. Don't make the damage worse until you assess what is going on. 
#2 BREATHE. Inhale. Exhale. Remind yourself: I can deal with this. I will deal with this. I've dealt with speed bumps before and I will deal with this too. I can't stop the fact that it happened. I CAN and WILL deal with it appropriately.
#3 COUNT. Count to 10 if you're angry or upset. Count your blessings if you're hurt or disappointed. Either way: Are you breathing? One. Can you see? Two. Can you get up out of your seat? Three. You're alive, breathing, seeing, and able to move. That's so much more effective than the alternative. Is there at least one person you can lean on? Four - or even more as you think of those people who are there for you no matter what. You need them now. Then literally thank God for each of your blessings. He is the one who blesses with blessings - acknowledge that. Remember... He is in control. He really is! Remind yourself that He knows the beginning and end of all things and this is part of His plan. You will be better for this experience - you really will - as you deal with the consequences of this speed bump.
Okay. You've assessed the challenge. The speed bump was hit. You have the ability and self-confidence to deal with it. The sun WILL come out tomorrow - or the next day.



Look for ways that you can learn from this challenge - and help others through a similar situation. Make the intentional decision that you will grow and come out better from this experience. Be strong and help others who may be affected. Be the one that is going to MAKE IT and MAKE IT STRONG.

Always... put facts behind and before the challenge. What happened? What is happening? What steps do I need to take? And, above all, bury emotions. Trust God. Breathe. Smile. And watch for the sun as it returns to the sky in your life.

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